Design A Business Around Your Life – Create The Perfect System That Will Increase Sales In Your Creative/Gift Basket Business

Does this sound like you?

You stop your creativity and income….
 stay at home and look after your family & forget your own needs

You desperately want to create cash flow … but you don’t have the right system in place

You’re waiting for the children to grow up…. in the mean time you still need cash flow!


The years are flying by and you are still struggling to get your business off the ground, I want to start a family and settle down…. in the mean time you still need cash flow!


Hello, I’m Neelam Meetcha and almost ten years ago  I resigned from my post as a Specialist Lecturer and turned a laughable idea into a thriving creative business.  With no experience of running a creative business I turned a simple idea into an income generating profitable business from the comfort of my home.  I nurtured my creativity and the ideas flowed like nectar.

The most exciting thing is that I’ve spent years developing my profitable businesses and building credibility in my programmes & now I have the opportunity to share these strategies with you. My clients include corporate brands, celebrities ( will let you know who very soon) individuals & media.

I’ve been blessed to have been given the opportunity and cash flow to learn from some of the most influential business leaders in the world & I’m now  living my dream of working from my home office & travelling to different parts of the world to work with my business mentors.  My daughter has a comfortable lifestyle & her mummy at home when she get’s back from school!

With the right mindset & sheer hard work and determination I created programmes where clients now pay me up to £10,000 for a three day event.  I have a full diary with clients travelling from as far as Africa for my gift wrapping courses.

I’m a regular guest gift wrapping expert on the largest craft channels The Craft Channel & Create & Craft TV where I show case my gift wrapping techniques to hundreds & thousands of viewers.  I get to work with global superstars and it’s all stemmed from my laughable idea.

My creative business presentations at some of the largest Craft Fares in Europe & training classes start from £798 per day. Oh & the beauty is my businesses are automated so I still generate income while I sleep!

There were times when I cried myself to sleep, I had passion, I had vision, I had the skill but I didn’t have the know how!  The only thing I had was a choice to make.  To have to listen to my loved ones ask me the same question every day, are you making money?  Do you think this will work? Is it really a business not a hobby!  At times I felt like I was completely alone and that no one understood me.

Increase sales in your gift business

There were plenty of people ready to assist me, but no one had an idea of the creative industry and how to sell within a creative, craft or gifting industry.

I starting running at speed, doing this and that, but nothing was making sales, eventually I realized it was make or break.  I had to get serious or I was going to end up with a failed venture.


Research – I had to create and build an industry around my niche and that’s exactly what I did.  I stopped in my tracks and started to look at successful people and how they built their businesses within niche industries and I designed and created my own system.

Now I’m delighted to share the same system that I created for my business with creatives & gift basket businesses.

There are four stages to building a profitable business, a business designed around your life not the other way around.

1. Creating A Sales Plan For Your Gift/Creative Business
2. Create Your Specific Productivity Planner To Increase Sales
3. Create A Strong Social Media Presence

This is a hands on class, where you will be implementing whilst I teach.  You won’t be learning and going away to do it yourself, I will be assisting you to complete the above on the live training session.

Grow your gift/creative business by implementing these key strategies in your business

You can keep doing the same thing, keep trying to save to work with someone who you know can assist but do you have the time to do that.  Making decisions in business are key to success and growth.

Decisions have to be made and you have to move forward in your business today.  Not tomorrow, not next month, not in 18 months time, because that’s exactly what’s already been happening.

Book your space on the Gift Business Growth Strategy On-line live training programme with me on Friday 15th July 2016 at 10am till 12pm UK time.

Seasons come and go, more seasons come and go and before you know it, the whole year has passed you by. Some creative/gift business owners will still be in the same boat the year after.

Which decision do you want to make?


I would love to have you join my live class on Friday 15th July at 10am till 12pm, where I will show you how to start creating your system for your gift/creative business.

Reserve your space at the link below £97.  You will receive an email within 24 hours with a full programme of the session. If you can’t join, this will be a recorded training session which will be available to watch at your convenience.

All attendees will be able to access the training at any time after the live session.
